Aitana – Vas A Quedarte Lyrics Translation in English

Yo sé que fue por mí que acabó esta historia
I know it was because of me that this story ended
Y queda en manos de mi memoria
And it is in the hands of my memory
Que por las noches te pueda ver
That at night I can see you
¿Por qué nunca admití estar enamorada?
Why did I never admit to being in love?
Siempre lo supe y no dije nada
I always knew and I did not say anything
Mi corazón se quiso esconder
My heart wanted to hide

Dirá la gente que yo estoy loca
People will say that I am crazy
Si yo estoy loca es porque andas en mi cabeza
If I’m crazy, it’s because you’re in my head
Quise obligarme a olvidar tu boca
I wanted to force myself to forget your mouth
Y ahora mi boca dirá que si tú regresas
And now my mouth will say that if you come back

Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Porque te juro que esta vez voy a cuidarte
Because I swear that this time I’m going to take care of you
A nuestra historia le hace falta una segunda parte
Our history needs a second part
Aunque nos digan que eso nunca sale bien
Even if they tell us that it never works out
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Yo haré de todo por volver a enamorarte
I will do everything to fall in love again
Yo tengo miedo porque nunca pude reemplazarte
I am afraid because I could never replace you
Y si lo intentas te prometo que esta vez
And if you try, I promise you this time
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay

Yo que me acostumbré a estar arrepentida
I got used to being sorry
Sigo esperando a que llegue el día
I’m still waiting for the day to come
En el que decidas volverme a ver
In which you decide to see me again
¿Por qué nunca admití estar enamorada?
Why did I never admit to being in love?
Siempre lo supe y no dije nada
I always knew and I did not say anything
Quise gritarlo y no dije nada
I wanted to shout it and I did not say anything

Dirá la gente que yo estoy loca
People will say that I am crazy
Si yo estoy loca es porque andas en mi cabeza
If I’m crazy, it’s because you’re in my head
Quise obligarme a olvidar tu boca
I wanted to force myself to forget your mouth
Y ahora mi boca dirá que si tú regresas
And now my mouth will say that if you come back

Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Porque te juro que esta vez voy a cuidarte
Because I swear that this time I’m going to take care of you
A nuestra historia le hace falta una segunda parte
Our history needs a second part
Aunque nos digan que eso nunca sale bien
Even if they tell us that it never works out
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Yo haré de todo por volver a enamorarte
I will do everything to fall in love again
Yo tengo miedo porque nunca pude reemplazarte
I am afraid because I could never replace you
Y si lo intentas te prometo que esta vez
And if you try, I promise you this time
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay

Porque aunque sé que te perdí, yo iré a buscarte
Because even though I know I lost you, I’ll go find you
Y sé que no podré dormir hasta encontrarte
And I know I can not sleep until I find you
Le prometí a mi corazón volverte a ver
I promised my heart to see you again

Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Y haré de todo por volver a enamorarte
And I will do everything to fall in love again
Yo tengo miedo porque nunca pude reemplazarte (no, oh)
I’m scared because I could never replace you (no, oh)
Y si lo intentas te prometo que esta vez
And if you try, I promise you this time
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay
Vas a quedarte
You are going to stay

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